
Differences with msi.dll (Product version 5.0.7601.17514)

I am new to AppDeploy so this question may be too elementary for this board or it may have been addressed in the past. If this is the case, please ponit me in the right direction.

I am seeing some very different behaviors between the various machines where I've tested my MSI install package.

We are testing on two Windows 7 machines both of which have msi.dll (Product version 5.0.7601.17514) installed. On one of the machines the msi.dll file is 3.06MB while on the other it is 2.23MB.

I have also noticed the following:
* On the machine with the smaller msi.ddl file size I am able to install a version 1.0.0 of my application even though a 1.0.1 version of the same app is already installed.
* When I try the same install on the box with the larger msi.ddl file size I get an "Unable to install because a newer version of this product is already installed" message.

My questions are:
Why would the DLLs with the same Product version be different sizes?
Why would one machine allow the multiple installs while the other would not?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Firstly, your post ought really to have been in the 'Package Development' forum. This forum deals with errors returned by the Windows Installer engine (see the link 'MSI Errors' for examples).

Secondly, the size difference is almost certainly due to the DLL having been compiled by different compilers. At Microsoft, different teams have access to the source code for core components and it would really be too much to hope that each would be using the same compiler LOL

As to the installation conundrum, the newer version should be packaged to prevent lower versions being installed. Of course, if the file versions were different, the newer versions ought not to be overwritten by newer ones. That is, unless the components containing those files have been authored to do that or if the RemoveExistingProducts action has been scheduled earlier in the installation sequence than is standard.
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