
Directory is not being created when SMS used???

So I have a package that creates a "data" directory inside the root of d drive ( ie: another partition ).
The users have rights to create etc here.
When I run the .msi manually it creates it fine.
But when it gets deployed via SMS it does not?
Anyone encountered this before?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: grm69 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
you must tell us how you fullfiled the "run mode" options, under "environment", in the "programs" section of your package.

I suggest you to check that "run with user's right" is activated, and that program can run "only when a user is logged on".
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
Haven't encountered that one, but I'd investigate exactly how that directory is being created. It could also be related to the security level of your SMS account, but that's pretty unlikely since it should be local admin. It is probably that the MSI is being run in a different mode (which changes a couple property values) and the directory has a condition on it which is no longer valid. Check the directory table or MSI script and see if there are any conditions where the directory would not be created, such as a dependency on a Install/reinstall or silent property. If it's done via a custom action, check conditions on that custom action.
Posted by: WiseUser 19 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
Are you sure it's not being created at all?

Might it be created elsewhere (maybe root of c:\)?
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