Does anyone know the step-by-step guide to package Visual Studio 2010 and SCCM 2012?
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I am trying to install Visual Studio 2010 to a student lab and i am haveing problem packaging it with in SCCM 2012
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Posted by:
12 years ago
Here, I will solve your problem. I have written a step by step guide.
It wasn't this complicated with ver 2008. There is a setup.exe parameter which can used to create an unattend file and use it to deploy silently later. - SnowLyric 12 years ago
It is not an issue with installing, it is also preparing your system for clean uninstall. - piyushnasa 12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago
I've packaged and deployed VS 2008. What is your problem with packaging?
How to install Visual 2008 R2 through sccm. - sendmail2srini 10 years ago