
Does any one know about Silent Installation parameters for Logitech Options ?

Hi Guys, 

I have an application called Logitech Options 6.80.372 which is available in below link:
I tried all the silent parameters possible to install application like /S /Q -S -Q -Silent /Silent /Quiet -Quiet but nothing works out. /? help does not have any parameter inside.
The exe Options_6.80.372.exe can be extracted with WinZip but doesn't have any real installer inside but has loose files. 

I tried to create package using repackger with best practices but it doesn't work as expected. (Not able to detect the files). 

Any help is really appreciated. 

Regards, The_D

5 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Seems odd you can't detect the files. Where are they getting installed? - vjaneczko 6 years ago
    • The files get installed on C:\Program Files and Program Data folder. - The_D 6 years ago
  • When I opened it with 7-zip, I extracted the dir called "$_111_" which has a file called "uninstaller.exe". The uninstaller will run, but none of the standard silent params worked for that, either. - JasonEgg 6 years ago
  • Are you using KACE? If so, does the software detail page have anything in the "uninstall command" field? - JasonEgg 6 years ago
  • anyone? - arovik 6 years ago
  • Seems there is no silent parameter for this, I had capture this application and it is working fine. - The_D 5 years ago
    • What software / tool did you use to capture the installation? - amsailer 5 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: The_D 5 years ago
Senior White Belt

Top Answer

There is no silent switch available for Logitech Options, not even for newer version 7.10.3. The only way is to capture the application and there is no complex configuration in this. 

However there is another similar application Logitech Presentations which does have the silent parameters as /S:1 /A:0. 

  • That's right, finally I captured the application. Thanks you ! - The_D 5 years ago
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