
edit an msi to reboot after install?


I have to install MS .NET 2.0 on a number of machines that require it, and before the next software install begins the machine needs a reboot for it to install properly

How can I modify the .net msi to reboot after install?

I am using Windows 2000 GPO to deploy the packages.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
In my experience, the .Net MSI will set a reboot just fine if it needs it. If you're not seeing one, it doesn't need one.

I'm curious to know why the next app requires a reboot before it will install properly. Are you seeing a message from Windows Installer to that effect? What does ProcMon tell you, in terms of file/registry activity that triggers that message?
Posted by: gizmolala 17 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Set a property in the PROPERTY table REBOOT=Force or use the following command
msiexec /i Path\.NET.msi REBOOT=Force

Posted by: myst 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

In my experience, the .Net MSI will set a reboot just fine if it needs it. If you're not seeing one, it doesn't need one.

I'm curious to know why the next app requires a reboot before it will install properly. Are you seeing a message from Windows Installer to that effect? What does ProcMon tell you, in terms of file/registry activity that triggers that message?

Well if I log into the box and execute the msi manually it will work fine, but if deploying via Windows 2000 GPO it requires a reboot for it to process properly. Very strange! It's only this particular application though Analyst Notebook 7.
Posted by: blacklisted_packager 17 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi Myst .. Why dont you try logging the Analyst Notebook 7 , If its a vendor msi i am pretty much sure some custom action is changing the reboot property from suppress to forcereboot . If you are able to find such custom action you can write you own Set Property custom action to change the property again to Suppress..hope this helps you...
Posted by: myst 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks for all the replies, for now I have created a dodgey little msi package that copies a text file to the machine then reboots it [:D]

I imagine this will all become easier when we move to sms 2007 and server 2003.
Posted by: myst 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
ok even easier way, use wise to create a transform file that just forces a reboot

no messy programs left lying around that way, I just didn't know you could apply the transform via the GPO when the msi installs

lets all laugh at the newbie [X(]
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