
EDP with WMP10

The package KB says that EDP for WMP9 will work with WMP10, but I can't get the same results. I figured out to rename MP10Setup.exe to MPSetup.exe so the bat file will see it and run it properly. It runs through the prompts and looks like it's on its way, then it crashes with a popup error that it cannot locate ".wim" objects and stops. No output is generated and it deletes the "temp" subfolder immediately. What else am I missing? Why can't MS finish a job right and release an EDP that just works with their latest products?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: ds0934 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Weird. I rebooted my XP client and ran through the EDP again and it built the redist fine. I've gone ahead and opened the MSI in Wise and edited the "9" entries to "10". Just curious, do I need to change the ProductCode or UpgradeCode GUID entries in the MSI?
Posted by: ds0934 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Ok, packaging it with EDP seemed to work, but running it doesn't do anything. It runs through like it's doing something, but in the end, I still have WMP9, not WMP10. Am I missing something? I opened the MSI from EDP and edited "9" entries to "10" throughout (only 3 I believe) and updated the version to (matches what I have installed on another machine). Could that be the problem?
Posted by: ds0934 19 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
I've tried everything to crank out a packaged install of WMP10 from EDP/9 and cannot get it to work properly. It runs through the installation with no errors displayed. But when I run the shortcuts they all show WMP9 still. Has ANYONE got WMP10 to work from EDP/9? If so, can you share some details on how to walk through the process?
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