
Enforce Win7 64-Bit Registry from K1000

I am having issues setting registry values from the K1000. I have tried using the registry enforce wizard which only edits the 32-Bit registry. I also tried importing a .reg file using "reg import" and "regedit -S" (also sending it through cmd.exe /c) and they fail to import with no errors in the script logs. I suspect the script needs elevation. I have UAC set to "Never Notify".

Does anyone have some tips to modify the 64-Bit registry?

Edit: A few more notes. I have tried running as Local System, and specifiy credentials of an admin on the machine.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: KevinG 14 years ago
Red Belt
This issue should be resolved in the 5.2 agent once it becomes available at a later date
Posted by: rmeyer 13 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
good to hear, I created a support ticket about it a long time ago, I had problems with the UAC aswell hehe =)

I had to change it in the login script, but people still had to allow it before it ran on the machine :/
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