
enterprisesec.config.cch and security.config.cch

When I ask senior packagers what to do when these files are in an msi capture they always advise to remove
enterprisesec.config.cch and security.config.cch from the capture but most people don't seem to know the theoretical reasoning behind it. Is the reasoning behind it that opening up security it is not necessary because dotnet has its security usually opened up by default ?

I really want to grasp this subject.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
these .cch-files are caches of the security.config and enterprisesec.config files. If missing they will be recreated by the next .Net app that gets run.
They should therefore not be included in your package.

The security.config files contain the security policy settings for .NET, codegroups and their associated access right settings. They can be manipulated using the Config Panel tool under Administrative tools -> Microsoft .Net Framework x.x configuration.

If there are specific changes to be made in light of an application here, they can be modified, but I would never just overwrite them, rather change them in place and add what is needed.


Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
nope, like I said, if missing a .NET application will put these files back in place. It's normal functionality and should be left to the normal OS and .NET workings, no need to interfere in a package.
Posted by: ikke 13 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
When I start an executable of an application of a supplier (after the installation was executed), these 2 cch files are created or modified.
I told them i needed to research the implications of the fact that the executable creates these files on the fly and that they might need to remove the placement or modification of the files by the executable.
If I read your comment I understand that the placement or modification of these files athis is not impacting for our operating systems and this is not harmfull and i should not ask the vendor to modify this executable that modifies the cch files on the fly ?
Posted by: ikke 13 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
If i would do a capture I would just remove them but in this case the files are created /modified each time the application is ran.
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