
Error 1722.

Greetings everyone!

I need your help!!.I always get this error "Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected" ,when i try to add any custom action in MSI thr INSTALLSHIELD.

Especially when i try to run a batch script which is stored in installdir.I am positive that the script was intact.

Please advice.


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Answers (2)

Posted by: Netviz 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
One of the first things to do is to check that the MSI file can locate and execute the external batch file. Turn on full verbose logging, but if that doesn't reveal anything, use FileMon (from SysInternals, now Microsoft). Once your know that the file can be located it's worth checking that each part of the batch file can be executed fully when ran from within an MSI. I'd use FileMon again to check that any location paths are not being mistranslated, as it only takes one failure to make the 1722 error appear.
Posted by: DishaDisha 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
When i selected ignore return code in custom action, installation went fine.This seems to fix issues with this error.
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