
Error 1931 with Windows XP while trying to modify a protected Windows File

Hi everybody,

I have an Error 1931 will doing a MSI package wich create an ODBC alias on Windows XP (the error happens as the MSI package tries to modifiy the file odbcconf.rsp), I read in the Forum that the problem happens because of the Windows File Protection(WFP) System (odbcconf.rsp is indeed one of the File on the %systemroot%/system32/dllcache).
Does anyone know how to bypass this WFP system ??

Thanks for any help

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Answers (1)

Posted by: brenthunter2005 19 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
Windows Installer itself is not able to get around WFP, though there are several 3rd party utilities that can.

Why are you trying to replace this file anyway?
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