
Error number 5003 0xb7 when installing Quick Score Elite

Dear Anyone!

I'm trying to install Quick Score Elite, which is a music notation package. When I click on Install, I get Error number 5003 0xb7

I've tried emptying the TEMP folder, closing all other programs (like it told me to), turning off all other programs in MSCONFIG, no joy. I've never had this before when trying to install anything!

I've asked the creator of the software and they say it's a locked file. However they can't tell me what the file is or where it is.

I've joined here hoping one of you experts could tell me how to get around this error message, so I can install the program! Anyone got any ideas?

Yours hopefully


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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
I've asked the creator of the software and they say it's a locked file. However they can't tell me what the file is or where it is. Imagine that...a vendor with no clue about his product. Shock!

No-one here will have any clue as to which file (if any) is causing your problem. You need to trouble-shoot the install as it happens. ProcMon, ProcMon, ProcMon, ProcMon....shall I go on? Seriously, IMV, one cannot do this job without a process/file/registry monitor.
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