
Exactly how *dumb* are MS's UI engineers?

As a long-time FireFox user, I'm used to opening tabs instead of windows to view new pages. Occasionally, though, there are sites which only recognise IE and, rather than go through the hoops of setting FF to pretend to be IE for those, I fire up IE.

So, why do I say Microsoft's UI Johnnies are dumb? Well, in FF, when I right-click a link, the top two options are:
'Open Link in New Window'
'Open Link in New Tab'.

In IE, they are:
'Open in New Window'
'Open in New Tab'

Note the keyboard accelerators. Which are the most obvious choices? 'W' for 'window' and 'T' for 'tab'. It's not even as if there are other menu items which might clash with those letters!

What are they smoking at Redmond?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: airwolf 14 years ago
Red Belt
They roll up $100 bills and smoke them - the toxicity seems to be impairing their logic.

I loathe IE. I'm a long time Firefox user as well, but I've been using Opera quite a bit lately. Note: I wouldn't touch Safari with my enemy's PC.
Posted by: sbequette 14 years ago
Orange Belt
I am a whore, i support what ever the "higer thinkers" tell me to support, hopefully one day i will loose enough IQ points to be a higher thinker like them.
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