
Excel 2010 fail to launch after installation of Outlook and Skype 2016.

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In the environment we have Office ProPlus 2016 for Outlook and Skype for Business whereas, Office ProPlus 2010 for other office apps. (Outlook and Skype NOT included)

When I install Outlook 2016 package (non-english Language Pack) over the Office 2010 one, some of the specific excel and powerpoint files give error on opening.

The Outlook 2016 package needs to be created and deployed to several users with respective Language packs. Whereas, Office ProPlus 2010 is already present in the environment.  

The English Language Pack for Outlook 2016 works fine without any error.
As said, if I install any other language pack, such as Korea, some specific excel and ppt files give error and don't open. 

I have used the following command line for installation:
setup.exe /config proplus.ww\config.xml

If I have to deploy to korea users, the contents of config.xml are as follows:

<Configuration Product="ProPlus">
<Logging Type="Verbose" Path="%WINDIR%\Logs\Software" Template="Microsoft_Office_Outlook_Install*.log" />
<AddLanguage Id="match" ShellTransform="yes"/>
<AddLanguage Id="ko-KR"/>

Can anyone please suggest why the specific excel (file with macros) or ppt files are not opening but the new excel or ppt file is opening fine. 

Thanks in advance.

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • What's the text of the error(s) you're receiving? - JasonEgg 7 years ago
  • I do not have the error screenshot as of now.. But, Excel just hangs.. - Ishita Tripathi 7 years ago
  • As far as i remember, I get the error message "Excel has stopped working etc.." - Ishita Tripathi 7 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Ishita Tripathi 7 years ago
Yellow Belt
The config file needs the following contents:

<Configuration Product="ProPlus">
<Logging Type="Verbose" Path="%WINDIR%\Logs\Software" Template="Microsoft_Office_Outlook_Install*.log" />
<AddLanguage Id="ko-KR" ShellTransform="yes"/>

Note: instead of ko-KR, we need to give respective language code.

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