
Excel Addin app


I'm doing an Excel addin app, where Custom action has been included to add and remove the OPEN key during installation and uninstallation, it is working fine but if the open key is present in the other user and if i'm uninstalling in admin it is removing, and it is remaining in the other user so it throws error everytime when excel is launched.

can anyone help me, how to remove in all the users.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 17 years ago
Red Belt
If your installer authorint software doesn't support XL add-ins, you'll need to write some code in a CA. The idea is to loop through the relevant registry entries and find the last 'OPEN' entry. They'll look like this:


and so on. Loop through that, add one to the last entry, then create your new entry using that value. Don't forget your uninstall CA: that will need to find out where in the list your add-in is (other add-ins may have been installed), delete it and then requence any that follow.
Posted by: Robo Scripter 17 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Excel add-ins have been and I am sure will be a source of continual problems in multi-user environments. Here is a link to my Previous Excel Add-in Posting on the subject. It is coded for a msi custom action installation but can be easily altered to meet your needs.

The code will add and remove a excel add-in. If you place the remove code in an Active setup that is present on the uninstall then any user logging in will automatically have it removed from their registry

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