Excel plugin trigger repair on execute
Good morning,
Recently I received an Excel plugin (JetReports) that I want to deploy. The installation is already a vendor MSI.
Activating the plugin in Excel is done through a number of registry keys under the current user.
How can I activate the JetReports self heal while starting Excel? I am able to trigger the self heal for build-in executable, but triggering the heal by executing files outside has not yet succeeded.
Best regards,
Answers (2)
You will have to add ActiveSetup key in the mst you have created for the vendor msi
This is what you are looking for I think.
This wont trigger a seal heal, this is a Office built in function to populate the HKCU hive with registry settings when you start Word, Excel etc. It saves using the heavy handed approach of using a active setup or when you have no entry point.
If your plug is in a shared location like Program Files, you can use this function to activate the plugin through the registry.
Good luck.
*danm those seals lol.