
Exclusion list WPS8

Hi all,

I have a problem that I can't find a solotion to. Maybe someone can help me?!
I'm using Wise Package Studio 8 to create msi.
Until recently I have been using XP as pack-client and it has worked perfect. Now my client is reinstalled with win7 and since then it looks like all my packages includes a lot of crap (both files and reg-keys). I did build a new exclusionlist, but it doesn't seems to make any difference.

Does anyone know if there is something I can do to get more accurate snap-shots?`


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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
I would stick with using XP for packaging, as it's been Best Practise for a while now to use the lowest common denominator.

Having said that, it's a simple enough exercise to add to either the local or global exclusion list as part of the capture process. Personally, I find it quicker to edit the relevant INIs (i.e. %SystemRoot%\WisePSSC.INI and [Server\Share]Repackage.INI) but that's just me.
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