
Feature updates from 1803 to 1903 or 1909

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I've been playing with the feature update tool in Kace SMA version 11.0.273 the last 2 days. Updating machines from 1909 or 1903 to 20H2 hasn't been an issue. However, attempting to update some really old unattended to PCs off of 1803 have just failed. The second I run a feature update it immediately jumps to executing and completed for these machines. I check the patch logs and it states a deploy exit code of 3247440135,0xC1900107 I search through this error, and it seems really generic. The only thing is, it fails like this without even attempting to download the update. There is no panther log or anything that remotely shows it tried to do anything. The Kace agent on these machines is up to date. Seriously out of ideas here.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: unoriginalnamehere 3 years ago
White Belt

Any version older than Windows 1903, has to be updated to the 1903 Feature Upgrade before you can do any other Feature Upgrades. All of the versions of Windows 10 from 1909 onward had their Feature Updates done differently. To speed up the upgrade process, the features were usually already installed in cumulative updates and then were just activated when you chose to update. I came across the same issue when we were updating our systems running older version of Windows 10 using our WSUS server and Group Policy. I had to download the 1903 Upgrade to our WSUS server first and make sure everything upgraded to 1903 and the I deleted the 1903 upgrade and downloaded the 20H2 to the server.

I haven't update our KACE SMA to 11 yet, so I haven't had the chance to use the Feature update tool but I have no doubt that your problem is because the versions are not up to 1903 and can't upgrade to anything above that.

A possible solution would be to put an unpackaged image of Windows 10 1903 on your Fileshare and then running a script through KACE to tell the PC to run the setup file silently. When I did that to update my version of Windows, I used an online KScript, ran it as Local System, selected "Allow run without a logged-in user" and "Run on next connection if offline" I picked Launch a program and put the directory of the install files on my Fileshare, for File it put setup.exe, checked Wait for completion, and for Parameters: /auto upgrade /quiet /compat ignorewarning /noreboot

I /noreboot so, that I could run it during the day and it would finish the install when they shutdown the computer. If you want to run it at night time then you could omit the /noreboot and it will reboot as soon as it needs to during the install.


  • Unfortunately, this is definitely not the issue. I'm not trying to skip from 1803 or 1809 to 20H2. I know the steps, and am trying to go from 1803 or 1809 to 1903. That's the overall issue. I didn't have any issues going from 1903 to 1909.

    I did have issues going from 1903 or 1909 to 20H2, however, updating the appliance and agent to 11.1 resolved that issue last night.

    It still seems like the feature update process built into Kace just can't go from anything older than 1903 TO 1903. I really want to try and avoid the scripted/managed install way from Kace, because I got really spotty results when doing this from 1803 to 1809. - Cheecho 3 years ago
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