
Addressing Feds warning on Java security via KACE appliance

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any recommendation on disabling through kace?

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Answers (4)

Posted by: jegolf 12 years ago
Red Belt

Java 7u11 is now out which is patched for the vulnerability. Trick now is to install the latest version but also uninstall all the old versions of Java in your environment as the flaw affected 7u10 and earlier. My method is to search the software inventory for the versions still in my environment, get the Product Un-Install Command of each, and create scripts targeted to those machines to remove that version.

Posted by: worzie 12 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt

I have a Java cleaner script that has been working 99% of the time via kbox.  Uninstalls ALL versions of Java and J2SE using wmic.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kbots xmlns="http://kace.com/Kbots.xsd">

<config name="Java Cleaner Only" type="policy" id="261" version="1350426070" description="Uninstalls ALL versions of Java and J2SE">

  <execute disconnected="true" logged_off="true">



  <verify on_failure="break" attempts="1">

      <launch_program path="SYS" program="wmic.exe" wait="false" parms="product where &quot;name like 'J2SE%'&quot; call uninstall" />
      <launch_program path="SYS" program="wmic.exe" wait="true" parms="product where &quot;name like 'Java%'&quot; call uninstall" />






  <verify on_failure="break" attempts="1">









Posted by: mpace 12 years ago
Red Belt

If you haven't seen this tool I would recommend it as an easy way to find old Java GUIDs in your environment: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/how-to-find-uninstall-strings

Once you have the GUIDs you can remove old versions by simple BAT scripting:

start /wait msiexec.exe /x GUIDHERE /qn


Posted by: jegolf 12 years ago
Red Belt

Was wondering the same thing. Easiest fix will be deploying a patched update...JAAAAVA developers!

*with sarcastic emphasis*

  • unfortunately Oracle do not have a patch yet - binuani 12 years ago
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