
File or component condition

I'd like to condition a file or component based on the appsearch feature.

What I've done was used the appsearch feature to look for a file. I now go to the file file component and for condition I've used this parameter:


Whereas LDFCHECKER is the property of the appsearch and Audit.LDF is the Componentname. I want the product to install only if the %LDFCHECKER comes back as ZERO or Not Found.

i would have checked this by installing but it's a big compile and will take some time. Yes I could have simply created a dummy package but I've come here. So should what I've done work?

Thanks for your help.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
The simplest route is to set the property to a string (I typically use the word NONE) then test for it still being NONE (or not, depending on hoew convoluted you want your logic!) in your condition. I would avoid using '%' in the property name as this has a special meaning in formatted text terms (see MSI.CHM for details on formatted text).
Posted by: Secondlaw 13 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Thank You, this worked out perfect.
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