
forbidden installation


how can'I do software installation forbidden for users ?



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Answers (7)

Posted by: cdupuis 20 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

Can you be more specific as to what you would like to do, maybe a little information about how you deploy software and what software you want to deploy and maybe even what problems you have encountered so far.
Posted by: Grebouille 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
i am applications administrator
i don't want users install applications to not disturb inventory and respect licences.
i would like know how make users don't install application at all.
if it's possible or how limit installations.


Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
You really need to specify your current methods in order to get a reliable answer here.


Well how are your users installing the apps currently?
What platform are you running on Novell, AD, etc.
How are the apps packaged? are they just installs on the network?

If the apps are on a network share that the users access to run the install then simply create permissions on the app folders to restrict access. You can create app groups in Active directory that will have access to individual apps based on their requirements and the licensing restictions
Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
If you actually mean you want to forbid users from installing apps they bring from home or download from the net then you can create a Group Policy using the Software Restriction policy in the admin templates to stop them.
Posted by: Grebouille 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
sorry i forgot to specify;
- Forbidden software installation to users ( All softwares, any method of installation, app from home, mail, internet or other )
- Active directory
- Workstations under Windows 2000 ( 96 % ) and Windows XP ( 4 % )

I want not user can install software at all.
Only the adminitrators could do it.

it is not planed by Microsoft in windows administration that software installation could be forbidden to users

i think i'm not the first administrator to ask questions on this limitation but i don't find good informations on the web.

i miss something ?
Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
You can restrict anything you want with Group Policy.

Open MMC and add Active Directory Users and Computers.

Go To Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings.

Go to the Software Restriction Policy and create a policy to suit the business.
Posted by: aktiveradio 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Jim is correct use a Group Policy to lock down the computer then use
something like Altiris (www.alteris.com) or Empirum (www.matrix42.com) to deploy your software with admin rights.
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