
Get message string from error code

Hi All,

I have created MSI Installer for my application.
I have used MsiSetExternalUI.
And used MsiInstallProduct() to install my package silently.
But, I need to show error messages whenever MsiInstallProduct failed.

How can I get the appropriate message string for the error code returned by MsiInstallProduct.
If anyone have idea about it then please reply.

Thanks & Regards,

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
I suspect you'll need to get those from MSI.DLL. As to how...maybe MSDN can help?

Please note that this forum is designed for questions around errors returned by the Windows Installer engine (see the link above, 'MSI Errors', for examples).
Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt
How can I get the appropriate message string for the error code returned by MsiInstallProduct
you can find some example code on the MSDN page for MsiExec and InstMsi Error Codes here
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