
Google Chrome - unwanted desktop shortcut


Have downloaded the Google Chrome Enterprise MSI from Google. (v 16.0.912.75 (Official Build 116452)). We use Win 7. The MSI consists mainly of Custom Actions. The shortcut\files table isn't populated.

When first launched it creates a desktop shortcut. When you uninstall the MSI it doesn't remove the desktop shortcut.

We do not need the desktop shortcut so am looking for ways to disable it.

I have looked in the 'master_preferences' file, the only thing that looks like similar is ' "create_all_shortcuts" : true,' I have changed this to 'False' with same results.

Also we cannot see any policy that can be applied to disable shortcut creation.

Have looked on many forums etc. and can't see any mention.

Has anyone else looked into this and found where to disable it?


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Answers (4)

Posted by: SandeepPanat 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
This has been discussed on AppDeploy here.

I know setting the preferences is the only option in this case.
Did you overwrite the 'master_preferences' file after install?

I'm not sure but as this is a JSON markup script, 'False' and 'false' could make a difference.

  • from what i have seen is that you cannot create a transform for the msi if you are using the enterprise edition. All you can do is install it and remove the desktop shortcut. Use a bootstrapper or a program of that sorts and deploy both the msi and the script or commandline. - Sidhugadu 11 years ago
Posted by: Meic 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Thanks for your reply.

Currently the prefs is set to:

"homepage_is_newtabpage" : true,
"browser" : {
"show_home_button" : true
"bookmark_bar" : {
"show_on_all_tabs" : true
"distribution" : {
"skip_first_run_ui" : true,
"create_all_shortcuts" : false,
"do_not_launch_chrome" : true

I have tried '"create_all_shortcuts" : true'.......... as you suggested on the other thread - still the same issue.


  • Appears to be a trailing ",". This particular file appears to be incredibly syntactically sensitive.

    Edit: no, it's not. It's standard JSON. Still, a trailing ",". - Normannen 11 years ago
Posted by: SandeepPanat 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

Check if [LINK REMOVED] helps.

  • The link provided looked to be legit when posted, but the destination has since been hacked or purchased by a spammer resulting a link with lots of advert redirects and no content. Thus it has been removed (sorry, an alternate source could not be found for the same). - bkelly 11 years ago
Posted by: Meic 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Thanks again. Did see that link earlier today but as we're using GPO to deploy the prefs file I thought I wouldn't need it... will however give that a try and see what happens.

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