
Has "anyone" ever heard of Neoteris software?

Dear all,

Has anyone heard of Neoteris software??

This is for remote access for Terminal Services and OWA mail. Neoteris is now owned by Juniper. When I spoke to the techincal team they were not aware of the concept of packaging apps into the Windows Installer format, so found the support difficult.

If anyone has heard of Neoteris - have you ever tried to package the software (or rather the downloaded components)??

If so HOW????!!!!!

Thanks greatly for any responses................I am at your mercy!!!!

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Answers (3)

Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
This is a common problem, a developer who only knows their own product with no clue how it is used in large environments and it's place in the world. The actual company / product is irrelevant. Sounds to me like you'll get no help from them.

You have to go it on your own, and see how it goes. Use whatever package development product you have and see how far you get. If you hit a roadblock, post what package development product you're using and the details of your roadblock (error, what doesn't work, funky occurances, etc). Someone here will probably be able to help you out.

Finally, when you get it working, help everyone out by posting the details of your experience in the AppDeploy Package Knowledgebase.
Posted by: Jim101 19 years ago
Orange Belt

I have added my findings to the Package KB. am currently waiting for this to be approved and published.

I have been unable to package the application and have agreed with the client a manual admin installation should be carried out for Remote Access users.

Posted by: bkelly 19 years ago
Red Belt
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