
Hello Guys is there any tool to check for junk entries in MSI or App-V application. Can anyone please suggest

Hello Guys is there any tool to check for junk entries in MSI or App-V application. Can anyone please suggest

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Answers (4)

Posted by: vjaneczko 10 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Short answer is No.  Long answer is; Yes, you and your experience.  There's a lot of information jammed into package and nothing can determine if one item in a table should or should not exist in that package.  You may find an entry in the registry table that is only installed when it encounters Office 2003 Pro, and a different entry when it encounters Office 2007 Standard.  There's no way to develop a program that can understand the complexities of a package - except what you stuff into your brain!

  • Experience is the best, you get better at it over time. - rileyz 10 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 10 years ago
Red Belt
Your exclusion templates should take care of most of the junk.

Remember also to use a 'bare bones' build for packaging apps and don't have things like a/v and 'Windows Lurch'...sorry 'Windows Search' running.
Posted by: ron123 10 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks for the suggestion :-)
Posted by: ksaunam 10 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

Technically with our product (Application Virtualization Explorer) you can check (and remove) unnecessary entries in 4.X and 5.X App-V packages, but of course identifying them as such requires that you understand the application in question and what should be considered as "junk" in relation to that. So there's no 100% correct automatic solution to your need.

Having said that, I have observed that even the default exclusion lists in App-V 5 seem to be passing through some unnecessary entries, especially in VFS and under Windows directories + user profile. I'm not entirely sure if this is due to some bug in Sequencer's monitoring or just incomplete default exclusion list. I would suggest that if you see the same behaviour and do find removing same stuff again and again (f.ex. NTUSER.DAT...!) you probably should update the default exclusion.

However, I must close by saying (and I always stress this when I give out App-V trainings) that when it comes to App-V - and app virtualization in general - there's not so much harm about some extra entities inside the package. After all, you are not doing installation and deploying those files and registry entries to the real system; only your virtual application sees them and usually don't mind about them. So unless you are absolutely sure, it's better to NOT take anything away.

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