
Help! Visio Standard 2k3

I'm having trouble getting Vision deployed via SMS.

My command line appears as follows... I'm wondering if anybody can help me out

setup.exe TRANSFORMS="\\Share\VisionCustom.mst" /qn

the custom mst is in the same location as the MSI file ..

I can not get this to deploy for anything...

Has anybody else deployed VISio or any office prodcut that can help me out ... I'm also moving to OFFICE 2k3 pro and will need to install that so i'm hoping this will help me with that also !!

thanks in advance for any help...

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Answers (3)

Posted by: fitz8364 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
also, the custom transfrom was created with the office ork ..
Posted by: dunnpy 17 years ago
Red Belt

the commandline you are using should look something like:

msiexec /i "visiopro.msi" transforms="visiotransformfile.mst" /qn

But if you are using SMS then you would add Visio as "New Package from Definition", providing the MSI path when prompted. This will create a number of Programs under the Package, which can then be modified by adding the transforms to the command line.

Keep an eye on the commnad line, it adds ALLUSERS=2 (try for per machine then go for per user if necessary), which I always take out - as it's covered in the MST file - hopefully.

And, of course you created an administrative installation point for Visio first, and that is being used as the source for your package.

Office 2003 is pretty much the same deal - Create your admin installation point (msiexec /a) patch with latest service pack for office (msiexec /p MAINSP2ff.msp /a <path to your admin install point> and then use the ORK to create your customisation file.

Hope this points you in the right direction,

Posted by: fitz8364 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thank you very much, that did work for Visio...
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