
Help with managed installations with KACE

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I'm doing a test installation currently to see if I can get it to work because I'm still learning how to use KACE and want to move on to deploying software to computers. So I'm doing something really simple and just installing Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6 on just one computer. It is a computer that needs it and is sitting right beside me actually. The steps I did are as follows:

1) verified software was in the KACE Inventory > Software (It is and a decent amount of machines have it installed)

2) Went to Distribution > Managed Installations > Choose Action > New

3) From there filled out the section appropriately for the software and then uploaded the .exe associated with it

4) Set to default installation

5) Specified the specific computer

6) Set schedule start time and end time (just set it to start at 11AM EDT and end at 12PM EDT just to see if it works)

7) Saved and went about my business doing other things.

I didn't bother doing the Notify message to alert the user because this one is right beside and is just my spare IT Laptop. Around 11:10AM EDT it popped up to install the Framework on the computer (Yay it worked, lol). It is asking for me to Accept the ToS Agreenment. Is that because of the software itself?I do not want it to prompt an end user to go through the setup and click through everything possibly ask for my credentials during the installation part of it. It won't ask on this machine specifically because I'm logged in as an administrator. Is there any way to avoid having the setup go through and have the user input the information (Basically click next). I would prefer to deploy installations at night when no one is here obviously to not disturb their work and do not want to have to come in and still have to go around to each computer anyways and input my credentials. Any help or advice would be fantastic.

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  • Also as a side note I was looking for a silent installation of this and cannot find where to do that. - JZycho 8 years ago
  • You can try to interrogate the installer itself by entering "[NETfile].exe /?" but sometimes that doesn't turn up anything. A quick google suggested that "dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart" works for silent installation so I would start there. - JasonEgg 8 years ago
    • Thanks JasonEgg, I'll give that one a shot too. I've moved on from that though since that was just a test installation. I was trying to get the hang of things a little bit better. I'm looking at a Java Update now for Java 8 Update 92. - JZycho 8 years ago

Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rockhead44 8 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

You need to add switches to the managed install to suppress such messages. Add those under Additional Parameters.

  • Thanks rockhead! - JZycho 8 years ago
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