
Help with MSI 2715

Help with MSI (Microsoft Installer) error 2715: The specified File key ('[2]') not found in the File Table.

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Answers (7)

Posted by: Keith C 1 year ago
White Belt

Do you/anyone still have Microsoft MS Photodraw v    Somehow over the years I lost my discs and have so many photos I want to add to a newer computer but need to add Photodraw, same version to open them..  I tried newer versions but they don't let you open the pics saved in  Mine came in a yellow hard cover notebook with other Microsoft Office and Business Solution programs.  Actually looking for that complete set to access my other Office files (Word/Excel), but desperately need the Photodraw.  zother@aol.com

Posted by: AppDeploy.com 20 years ago
Red Belt
This error has been reported when the MSI has a custom action in the incorrect place in the
sequences section. If you are authoring an MSI and working with custom actions, try inserting it between the "Install Initialize" and "Install Finalize" entries in the "Execute Sequence".
This was also a problem reported that was fixed in PhotoDraw 2000, Version 2 SR-1 ( where it was encountered during install-on-demand operations.
Posted by: misterd 18 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
This error was caused by having an empty component. The file key *never* existed in the file table. The component was ODBC entries that I removed to replace with registry entries. I forgot to make sure that WPS4.62 didn't leave empty components after I delete the ODBC stuff in Installation Expert. (Misterd, 4 may 2006)
Posted by: organicjoy 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
I got this error due to custom action "Call Dll from Installation function UpgradeCheckEx" which is in UserInterface i deleted that that's why i was getting error it. it used For an upgrade, detect installed products affected by the pending upgrade.
Posted by: fritoz 17 years ago
Orange Belt
Sometimes the simplest things can be the solution:I had a Microsoft MSI which I had to add a file to which I did through ORCA - WPS took ages and frequently crashed whilst saving.I got a 2515 error because of a "typo" in the Component table/Ketpath column. All I had to do was cross-check the relevant entry and change the Keypath to have the correct spelling.
Posted by: whenriksen 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
I received this error because the keypath was not uppercased whereas I had uppercased the filename in all other locations.MSI is case sensitive!!!
Posted by: koswo 12 years ago
Orange Belt
I got this error because somehow the attribute in the component table was set to registry keypath (4) while the keypath pointed to a file table entry. Because I needed it to be a file keypath, I changed the attribute to file keypath (0) and it worked.
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