
Help with Quicktime 7.7, my first package - ActiveSetup, etc

This is my first attempt at creating a package (I'm using Wise 8.0). I have read many threads here, the notes on the KB article, and googled as much as I can.

Right now I'm trying to just figure out how to copy the Quicktime.qtp file to all users that login to the computer (figure if I can get this working, then I can work on the other 2 quicktime related pref files). The configured 13KB file installs properly for current logged in user, but ActiveSetup doesn't seem to copy it when another user logs in and they get the unconfigured 9KB file in their profile and thus no configured settings.

Can someone point me in the right direction how to copy that file via activesetup ? I saw another thread regarding copying files via activesetup that said to add a feature and I tried that without luck - got an error I'm already copying that file.

Here's what I did (this is win7)
under HKLM registry, added active setup entry pointing to quicktime package ID with version and stubpath [SystemFolder]msiexec.exe /fu {qtpackageguid} /q

in HKCU - software - apple - quicktime - LocalUserPreferences, added key FolderPath with value [%USERPROFILE]\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\QuickTime\

In the InstallExecuteSequence table I set
Set_CurrentUserFolder %USERPROFILE 907

In the directory table, I added
Directory : Directory_Parent : DefaulDir
APPDATA1 : ProfilesFolder : AppData

In Wise, under files, I added the .qtp file to profiles - app data, locallow, apple, qt

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 13 years ago
Red Belt

give the component that contains the files for the userprofile a HKCU registry key as keypath. You'll need this to trigger the repair for the individual users.
Generally it is considered good form to bundle these usersettings in a seperate top-level feature, to avoid unnecessarily repairing other features. However this mostly comes into play when doing self-heals triggered by advertised shortcuts, and less when triggering msiexec.exe /f, so it's not mandatory.

Posted by: sally5432 13 years ago
Yellow Belt

Thanks for responding - really appreciate it. I thought this was what I did already?

Under the HKCU, I have a key named "FolderPath" and the value is "[%USERPROFILE]\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\QuickTime\"

In Setup Editor - Components table I looked for the "component that contains the files" and came across a component "createfolder" with directory "quicktime3" - attribute "0" and KeyPath "QuickTime.qtp" - then the full directory shows as "Windows\Profiles\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\QuickTime"

Thanks for any help - sure i'm missing something simple?
Posted by: jmcfadyen 13 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
you set your keypath to the file where it needs to be pointed at the registry key as stated earlier.
Posted by: mazessj 13 years ago
Blue Belt
Ugh. QuickTime. What an awful, awful installer.

For a first, you picked a doozy.
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