
Help with SMS

I'm a newbie at SMS and I would despreciately like some help on these 2

1. I would like to know how I can add Authenticated User to have rights to
the desired installed folder. I tried running cacls.exe but for some reason
it does not work properly. It adds the rights but my application gives me an
error. I go an do it manually and it works. Does anybody have a suggestion.

2. I have packaged an app into an msi. I am trying to deploy it with SMS.
(msiexec.exe /i app.msi /qb!) My issue is that the msi keeps failing giving
me an error 1722 I belive. But when I try to do it outside of SMS my msi
works great. HUH.

Thanks for those interested.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: cdupuis 20 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Have you checked to see if the installer package is maybe of a Windows Installer 2.0 and that maybe you are trying to install it on a machine that has only Windows Installer 1.1?
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