
hi experts have a question. whats the difference between packaging for windows 7 and xp? also where i can find more information on GPO?

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hi experts have a question. whats the difference between packaging for windows 7 and xp?  also where i can find more information on GPO?


Thanks in advance...

6 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • There could be many differences or no differences at all.. It all depends on the application's compatibility on the OS which makes the difference and not the packaging procedure for that matter. - PackDep 11 years ago
  • thanks for reply. so we use same techniques and tools as used for windows 7? - jay25oct 11 years ago
  • yes they should all be fine. For packaging applications for win7 you should be aware of the architecture of the OS.. - PackDep 11 years ago
  • - UAC
    - Different default file system permissions
    - Different folder structure for user profiles
    - Junctions

    For information about GPO, go to MSDN. That'll keep you busy for a few months. If you wanted something more specific - and I suspect you want information about deploying packages using GPO, then maybe you should ask a direct question! - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
  • yes i want to know the information about deploying packages using GPO...thanks - jay25oct 11 years ago
  • There's no space here - and also people have too little time - to post a step-by-step guide. Ask your employer if their assigning or publishing apps, then do your research on MSDN. Of course, you'll have test VMs and test accounts to play with while you learn the ropes without screwing things up too much.

    I'd say that the singlemost important thing to remember is to remove 'Authenticated Users' from a link's scope before completing the task, or your package will get deployed to your entire user base. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: Sidhugadu 11 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt

Packaging for XP and Win 7 is not the same the folder structure is not the same and also the some of the command line executables coes not work as expected. netsh.exe for example is kind of different from what you have in XP. Some of the things that I can point out to. But there are lot more to it.

Posted by: Sidhugadu 11 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt

Packaging for XP and Win 7 is not the same the folder structure is not the same and also the some of the command line executables coes not work as expected. netsh.exe for example is kind of different from what you have in XP. Some of the things that I can point out to. But there are lot more to it.

Posted by: Praveen_90 11 years ago
Senior White Belt

Hi this is indeed a very basic question on packaging. Windows xp or 7 is just a platform that u intend to use for yoyur applications to run. It may be that few applications that are compatible with xp may not be with windows 7 or vice versa. It depends on how do you deliver the package and for which environment

  • and regarding gpo kindly type gpedit.msc on your computer run prompt . You could as well refer this link for more information.
    http://www.mcmcse.com/microsoft/guides/70-680/70-680.shtml - Praveen_90 11 years ago
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