hi experts have a question. whats the difference between packaging for windows 7 and xp? also where i can find more information on GPO?
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hi experts have a question. whats the difference between packaging for windows 7 and xp? also where i can find more information on GPO?
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
Hi this is indeed a very basic question on packaging. Windows xp or 7 is just a platform that u intend to use for yoyur applications to run. It may be that few applications that are compatible with xp may not be with windows 7 or vice versa. It depends on how do you deliver the package and for which environment
and regarding gpo kindly type gpedit.msc on your computer run prompt . You could as well refer this link for more information.
http://www.mcmcse.com/microsoft/guides/70-680/70-680.shtml - Praveen_90 11 years ago
- Different default file system permissions
- Different folder structure for user profiles
- Junctions
For information about GPO, go to MSDN. That'll keep you busy for a few months. If you wanted something more specific - and I suspect you want information about deploying packages using GPO, then maybe you should ask a direct question! - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
I'd say that the singlemost important thing to remember is to remove 'Authenticated Users' from a link's scope before completing the task, or your package will get deployed to your entire user base. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago