
How can I compare the difference between two snapshot (irp) files?

Hi Friends, googled lot but didnt got, came here to seek help from you, once i completes snapshot process in multiple snapshots, i get 2 irp files, in that one is 1kb, another one is more than that, can i know difference between these 2 files,even i opened both files and conntent is same, please respond to it. Thank in advance.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: dugullett 12 years ago
Red Belt

Well for one you can right click and go to the details and see when each was created. If the second snapshot is the one you want to keep then it should have a greater date.

Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt

are you sure it's not one .inc file and one .irp file?

Also, what do you mean by 'multiple snapshots'? what method/settings are you using while running the repackager?

Posted by: hrs2cool 12 years ago
Black Belt

Does the other file has the same name or some backup or old added to it. I have seen that a couple of times in the latest / trial versions of Adminstudio

Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

How come?

  • Is it happening with me only???? - jagadeish 12 years ago
    • No.... apparently it's REALLY popular. - dugullett 12 years ago
Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Stars???? Where they went?

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