
Is ActiveSetup needed for HKCU registry entry deployment?

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hi is it necessary to create active set up if app owner wants to enter the HKCU registry entries? because i am working on one application recently. all registry entries are showing to me but for end users it is not

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Answers (4)

Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

If the application does not have any advertised shortcuts then active setup is required. If there are advertised shortcuts in the application then you do not need active setup as when you launch the application and if anyone of your HKCU key is marked as keypath, it will self heal the application.

Posted by: rock_star 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

This should be helpful.


Check post by jmcfadyen




Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Are you installing the application as Administrator user and checking the HKCU entries for the same user?

Are there any advertised shortcut in your package?

Is it vendor msi or captured?

  • it is vendor msi...i am loging under anothr user and checking hkcu entries. there is no desktop shortcut only appears in start menu - shilesh1982 12 years ago
Posted by: VishalPaterya 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

To answer your question. Yes Active Setup is required to setup users setting if appliction doesnot contain any entry point.

Entry point  can be a COM entry passed via relevent COM table or an Advertised shortcut.

If your application doesnot contain any of the above, and it contains user related configuration that you must perform for every user who loggs in than you must implement ActiveSetup.

Vendor MSI with advertised shortcut may also require ActiveSetup if, user configuration resources and Advertised shortcuts belong to seperate features.



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