How can I create an ISO from .WIM file.
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Dear Friends,
Could anyone suggest on how to create an .iso from .wim file.
Requirement is to build a vmware virtual machine with the same image which is in .wim format. If I can create iso file using .wim file then it is easy to build a VM.
Any suggestions?
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Posted by:
8 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
the best option is to install and the WAIK toolkit to create an ISO from the media, before you begin you will need the contents from the existing iso/dvd of the OS you intent to use and copy all the files to the local amchine and replace the install.wim with your custom one
you will then need to run the Deployment tools command prompt from the Microsoft Windows AIK folder in the start menu and use the following command OSCDIMG
the command lists are in the link below
an example command line
oscdimg –n –d –m “<source>” “<target.iso>”