
How do I chain .mst's together

I have an extracted .msi and .mst and need to create a .mst from them

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Answers (3)

Posted by: bkelly 12 years ago
Red Belt
Depending on the tool you are using, you can either edit your MST to include the new stuff, or you can load the MSI with the MST and create a new MST. I recall you could do this with AdminStudio but not Wise Package Studio years ago. What tools are you using?
Posted by: Spef 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Hi dt0702

Not quite sure what your trying to do here, You have extracted a MSI and a MST and now you are trying to use a MST to modify them both? I cannot see why you would need to do this as the way you explained it would seem that the MST in the folder Is just modifying the Base MSI – I would open up the MST with your selected tool and have a look at what it does and if you need to make changes make it to the original MST, If you need to create a new MST create it from the MSI not the MST.

Reading back over that I am not sure how much sense that makes, Let me know if you need any more clarification

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Posted by: henrik80 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I would also choose to update the mst you already have with the needed changes. If you for some reason would need to have separate mst files you could call them with TRANSFORMS=transform1.mst;transform2.mst or TRANSFORMS=\\server\path\transform1.mst;\\Server\path\transform2.mst

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