
How do I configure the KBE to include the video drivers necessary to detect the native resolution of the monitor in a PXE boot scenario?

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Based on what I've read about WinPE, in UEFI mode, the native resolution of a monitor will be detected automatically. Source I've been messing with SDA Media Manager ( trying to get the native resolution of our monitors to be detected, but have been unsuccessful. However, if I copy and boot the KBE from a USB stick, the KBE loads in the native resolution of the monitor.

Here is what I've tried:

  • Copying video drivers to the KBE driver folder on the SDA prior to creating KBE - This caused the creation of the KBE to fail.
  • Rebuilt KBE multiple times ensuring that UEFI ISO is checked.

Here is a screenshot of my SDA Media Manager settings. Any ideas?


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • You could include your --insert your model here-- video drivers to


    folder, recache all drivers and Build a new KBE. But this will not work, because the Video drivers are too heavy.

    I think there is a limit in iPXE, in regards the amount of MBs a payload can have.

    Being honest, to me is not worth it at call, its just a cosmetic issue, Unless you're telling me the menu is not visible, or you're unable to operate with the KBE as it is right now - Channeler 5 years ago
    • This is actually what I tried. In \\KACE-SDA\drivers\kbe_windows_x64\video\<folder>\drivers

      The folder was about 2GB and the KBE would fail each time. Maybe I need to slim down the drivers.

      And you're right, it is cosmetic, but it does cut off the footer.

      Off topic, but do you know what use cases I'd need to add more scratch space and enable the ISO size restriction override? The manual isn't clear as to exactly why I'd need these features. - robertsj 5 years ago
      • See:

        search for: "Temporary storage (scratch space)".

        This is to reserve some space to be used by an application, it will not help here though... - Channeler 5 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: cserrins 3 years ago
Red Belt

I use this autoitscript, it has a 3rd party free utility that it calls, http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/post-install-task-to-change-screen-resolution

Posted by: rdbaril 5 years ago
Senior White Belt

We just use this: 


  • He means in the boot environment itself in WinPE. - cserrins 3 years ago
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