
How do i create an msi to use a cmd file?

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I am a novice packager that filling some big shoes that left the company. In the wake, i have been given access to installshield 2013 and would like to use it. From my research, i think my concepts are sound and need the advise of experinced professionals.


Here is what I'm working with...


  • I have an application that does not lend itself to being repackaged easily.
  • The native installer supports silent installations from the command line.
  • The application does not create an entry in Add/Remove for application monitoring.

With installshield i would like to...

  • Extract files to temp location that will delete after installation
  • run file to execute the two installation command lines
  • provide the uninstall command lines to the .msi

Everywhere i've read says to create a custom action for many of these tasks but speak with a higher working knowlege. Can someone offer some guidance to get me on the right track or offer other resources to learn from?


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I have the .cmd file that runs the installation completely silent but it does not create an entry in Add remove. I was hoping to benefit from some of the smart features of install shield. - BTofIT 11 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: rushi.ware 11 years ago
Senior White Belt


Have you visited the application's vendor website to check how they suggest to deploy it silently ?

Creation of MSI is not always the right approach. You can also try passing silent parameters to the setup executable using cmd or VB Script.

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