
How do I deploy Bluebeam Revu 11.0.0 using the Install Shield?

I have been attempting to install Bluebeam Revu 11.0.0 via their silent installation through install shield.


Below is the switches that I am using to deploy:

BbRevuSetup1100.exe /z"/SN:XXXXXXX /PK:XXXXX-XXXXXXX" /s /f1".\setup.iss" /V"EDITION=0 DEFAULTVIEWER=dvoff INSTALL_IE_PLUGIN=1"


I have worked with Kace Tech Support but we have not had success.  I would like to get this working instead of using the MSI installers for the following reason.  It uninstalls previous versions first, Installs the Prerequisites, and selects the 32bit or 64bit version. 


The K1000 launchs the BbRevuSetup1100.exe on a 64-bit computer.

BbRevuSetup1100.exe calls the BbMain1100x64.exe installer

After that the exectuables simply close and does not install the software.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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Answers (1)

Posted by: Sinbad 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I see that you asked for a solution to the .exe installation, but I will post this as well, just in case you feel like trying another approach.

I've added some general notes under Deployment Tips.

If you first edit the msi using Orca, copy the following files into the same folder:
Both 32bit and 64bit msi packages

Edit the msi files using Orca according to my instructions in Deployment Tips (please, have a look at the link above).
When you have made all changes in Property and then saved both files, archive all files mentioned above into the same zip file.


Add a new Item in K1000, under Inventory/Software. (if you search for Bluebeam under Software, it should be able to find several versions. Select the one that you want to add.)
Upload the Zip file and Save.

In Distribution, Managed Installations. Add new Item. Select Software, and find the BlueBeam item you've just added to the Software Inventory.
Change Managed Action to "Execute anytime".

Under Scripting/Scripts. Add new item.
I used Offline Script (not sure if that matters).
Enter the name of the script (Bluebeam Revu Extreme 11?)
Status: Production
Enabled: You want to check this.


Task 1 and Task 2 will check if you already have an older version installed and then uninstall it, but if you don’t want these steps you can just skip them. They need the GUID specified for each version that you want to look for.
Task 3 is the only step that is necessary.


Task 1 (On failure, Continue):
Verify that a registry key exists. Paste this:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{64bit GUID for old version}


On Success
Launch a program
Directory: $(KBOX_SYS_DIR)

File: msiexec.exe
check "Wait for completion"
Parameters: /X{64bit GUID for old version} /quiet


Task 2 (On failure, Continue):
Verify that a registry key exists. Paste this:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{32bit GUID for old version }


On Success
Launch a program
Directory: $(KBOX_SYS_DIR)
File: msiexec.exe
check "Wait for completion"

Parameters: /X{32bit GUID for old version} /quiet


Task 3 (On failure, Continue):
Verify that a directory exists. Paste this:


On Success:
Install (select the Bluebeam distribution package) and then paste these arguments:
$(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /i 64bit-package.msi

Install (select the Bluebeam distribution package) and then paste these arguments:
$(KBOX_SYS_DIR)\msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /i 32bit-package.msi”.

That should do it. So far this has worked for me. I hope this works for you as well.

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