
How do I find the product code of the product that Windows installer is installing


I need to know the product code of the product that windows installer is installing before launching my installer. I can check the mutex but it only tells me that Windows installer server is busy or not. Is there a recommended way to find the product code that is currently being installed?


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Answers (4)

Posted by: pratikpawar 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
enable logging for windows installer..

create or find


Reg_SZ: Logging
Value: voicewarmup

it will enable logging for all msi application and will create log file in TEMP directory.

for more info :-

Posted by: 786_ak 13 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
Is this an .msi? and if you have the ORCA, just right click on it then under properties table look for the Product code.

You can download the ORCA for free if you don't have it. Or do the same using whichever tool you have (Wise/Admin Studio).

Best of luck.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
I think you have missed the point. If my reading is correct, the OP wants to know - programmatically, I presume - the ProductCode of the product being installed right now, i.e. while the Windows Installer engine is actually installing it.

@OP, I think I'm right in saying that the engine locks the file while it's processing it so other processes wouldn't be able to open it. I'm happy to be proved wrong. Why not try posting the question on the WI team's blog page? If anyone's going to know, it'll be them!
Posted by: deployX 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
You got the query right VBScab. I've been to WI team's blog page http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windows_installer_team/archive/2005/11/09/487559.aspx and wanted to add a comment there itself but looks like the blog has been closed. All posts are atleast 3 years old :(
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