How do I push out Kace Agent to Mac workstations?
What is the best practice for installing the Kace agent on Mac workstations? Our windows machines get the agent via GPO.
Answers (1)
Depending on what other tools you have available, there are several options.
If you only have the SMA as a deployment option, then using agent provisioning:
If you are using any sort of MDM solution that would be a great way to deploy the agent. Our macOS devices are enrolled in the Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) which enrolls them into our MDM (we use Mosyle) and Mosyle installs the agent.
If you have Apple Remote Desktop you can push the client package through that.
How do you deploy other software to macOS devices?
would you be able to post how you created the profile in Mosyle to push out the client? Basically looking for the info you put in when you added the package to Mosyle.... - DanielwBC 5 years ago