
How do I use a K1000 to set/change default file/app associations?

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I am really having an issue here. We are trying to target the Windows 10 Pro systems only, which we have done successfully by the way of labels, to change only the Adobe Reader products to be used and NOT the Edge Browser to be the primary PDF open application product. The worst part is it needs to be done at the user lever. How do we go about using the K1000 to implement that or is this a limitation on the K1000 and we need to use something else to best serve what we are trying to accomplish? Thoughts, ideas, and best practices are of course are welcome and we appreciate whatever you can provide in advance.  

- Keven

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rockhead44 7 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

You can push the .xml file with file associations to your Windows 10 machines. I then had to use a GPO to look for that file and have Windows 10 honor those associations. 

That is a global setting so I don't know what to tell you about trying to do this on the user level

Posted by: anonymous_9363 7 years ago
Red Belt
Wouldn't it have been an order of magnitude easier to have done this in your build?

  • Yes, it would have been, however, we had taken over the preexisting environment. So, that was not an option. Sorry, I should have mentioned that as a detail too. - kstaley 7 years ago
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