
How does "Distribution Window" under File Synchronizations work?

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I created a File Synchronization and set a "Distribution Window" from 03:00 to 11:00.

Does this mean that when an agent checks in between 03:00 and 11:00 it will start to download that File Synch and continue to download until completion regardless of the Distribution Window, or will it begin the download and stop downloading at the end of the distribution window? If the latter, does it resume download during the next window or start all over?

Checked the Admin Guide for 10.0 and 10.2 (HTML and PDF) . In the section for "Create and Use File Synchronizations" both documents mention a "Blackout Window" but neither mention a "Distribution Window". On my KACE SMA File Synchronizations I only have "Distribution Window". No options for a "Blackout Window".

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

The distribution window simply says, when the distribution can be done (as you assumed) and all outside is a blackout window. 
The only real blackout window in the SMA is defineable with the patch downloads. In all other locations you allow the tasks.

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