
How does the replication work?

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Hello everyone,

we a little problem with a remote site. The internet connection is really slow and we had some troulbe during our patchcycle, so we thought we can build up a replication-agent. 

On the remote site are only client computers and one synology disk station.

First i tried to install the KACE-Agent on the synology nas (didn't work out).

I don't really want to use a client computer to act as replication agent, because they aren't powered on all day. 

My last idea was a server of our HQ-network to act as replicationagent, which is connected through MPLS. BUT here my question occured: if i use a server of the hq-network as replicationagent and save the updatefiles to the local nas-server on the remote-site: do the clients use the replication agent for updating or are they using the share on the nas-server? If they are using the replication-agent to access the replication-store / destinationpath, they leave the network of the remote-site and the network gets overloaded again.

I appologise for my crazy englishskills, but i hope you can still understand my problem. 

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 2 years ago
Red Belt
Well, I fear you need to determine one local client system as replication share.

If you try to use it from the other location the replication flows to THIS system and the files are taken from it, so it does not change the underlying issue.
Depending on the NAS you may need another agent (since Synology is building ARM based and x86 based hardware and uses an own linux based system, so the general agent may be a good idea, but ... it is completely unsupported and no one can guarantee that it will work or will support it)
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