
How to create Acrobat Reader 8 with MSI and MST

I have been following the Adobe Customization Wizard create the Acrobat Reader 8 MSI and MST file, I use clean VMware windows XP/SP2 to create this package, and when I send this job to regular user, it say do not have previledge to install, my user they do not have local admin right on their machine, I have few questions:

1). How can I send this MSI file to my user whom have no "power users" nor "Local Administrator" right.

2). Do I have to do this
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AdobeViewer

3). Do I have to do this
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Downtown

4). How do I run the silent mode with MST.

5). Do you have to login to domain controller with admin right to create an MSI file or login as local admin to create MSI file.

Thank you so much


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Answers (6)

Posted by: Snake86 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
1) You can deploy the MSI package trough GPO and give Everyone Read rights. Now even users with restricted rights can install the software.
2,3) You can also put these registry key into the MSI package in the registry table.
4) msiexec /i "Path to MSI\Software.msi" TRANSFORMS="Path to transform\Transform.mst" /qn
5) Same as the first answer I think.

I hope this helps a little.
Posted by: JdotQ 17 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
(hope this isn't considered bumping an old thread)

1.) Here's more information on deploying via GPO - http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/library/d3d52f5d-45ab-4be9-a040-28ffe09bc8f81033.mspx?mfr=true

2. & 3.) You do not *have* to make any registry changes, include the registry changes for settings you want changed during the install. I believe the two settings you listed will disable the EULA and prevent the application from launching after the install

4.) You can also add a value in the Property table for LIMITUI=1

5.) You do not have to be on a domain controller to create a MSI/MST - I do not even think a domain controller is necessary at all during the process, unless you use Active Directory and GPO's to deploy the software.
Posted by: NOxxie 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Also dont worry about the Update program within Adobe Reader 8.

When starting under restricted rights by a user you will find out the Program has deactivated it himself. ( you are not an Administrator blablabla :) )


Posted by: LillianLian 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have an MSI package with MST file, but if I try use send this package out from my DS server to the workstation without local admin right, I mean that workstaion is workgroup, not join any domain, they it failed on me, it say" you don't have sufficient right, please contact the administrator".

Any idea? Need help


Posted by: Snake86 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Try the Always install with elevated privileges-policy in Computer Configuration and User Configuration Administrative Templates » Windows Components » Windows Installer
Posted by: siri_msi 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I need to deploy Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 Single msi.

It a wrapper with external cab files and Transform.

Thnaks in advance.

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