How to enable Reapir and Uninstall button in ARP?
Creating MSI using AdminStudio
There will be some application which will have repair and uninstall button in ARP..
My requirement is to have these buttons enabled in ARP
But there will be some applications which will not have reapir or uninstall button in ARP by Default
Do we have an option to enable them even if the source don't have these in ARP?
Thanks in advance...
Do you *really* want someone to post you *another* LMGTFY link? - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Answers (3)
Do a search for the following properties to understand how to turn them on and off like your customer would like:
I know that we can use those properties and the value should be 1 to disable them...
My question is what if the application itself doesn't have an option in ARP - vinodreddy10 11 years ago -
You meant to say, application doesn't have an ARP entry? - rvprasad 11 years ago
If ARPNOMODIFY is set then its possible that there are no user changable features within the install. If ARPNOREMOVE is set it doesn't mean you can't remove it, msiexec /X .. will work on the command line, but it may be an app that shouldn't be removed. I would suggest create a transform and change the settings. Then do a test install and see if the changes do what you expect when you modify/repair/remove from control panel.