
How to install Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 silently?

Hello Community,


we try to install Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 silent. For this we have edited the setup.iss as shown here:

CommandLine0=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst ELEMENTS_EN_US=0 ORGANIZER_EN_US=0
CommandLine1=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1031.mst ELEMENTS_DE_DE=1 ORGANIZER_DE_DE=1 COUNTRY=94 AgreeToLicense=Yes /qb-
CommandLine2=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1036.mst ELEMENTS_FR_FR=0 ORGANIZER_FR_FR=0
CommandLine3=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1034.mst ELEMENTS_ES_ES=0 ORGANIZER_ES_ES=0
CommandLine4=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1053.mst ELEMENTS_SV_SE=0 ORGANIZER_SV_SE=0
CommandLine5=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1043.mst ELEMENTS_NL_NL=0 ORGANIZER_NL_NL=0
CommandLine6=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1041.mst ELEMENTS_JA_JP=0 ORGANIZER_JA_JP=0
CommandLine7=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1040.mst ELEMENTS_IT_IT=0 ORGANIZER_IT_IT=0
CommandLine8=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=2052.mst ELEMENTS_ZH_CN=0 ORGANIZER_ZH_CN=0
CommandLine9=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1029.mst ELEMENTS_CS_CZ=0 ORGANIZER_CS_CZ=0
CommandLine10=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1045.mst ELEMENTS_PL_PL=0 ORGANIZER_PL_PL=0
CommandLine11=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1049.mst ELEMENTS_RU_RU=0 ORGANIZER_RU_RU=0
CommandLine12=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1055.mst ELEMENTS_TR_TR=0 ORGANIZER_TR_TR=0
CommandLine13=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1046.mst ELEMENTS_PT_BR=0 ORGANIZER_PT_BR=0
CommandLine14=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1028.mst ELEMENTS_ZH_TW=0 ORGANIZER_ZH_TW=0
CommandLine15=msiexec /i "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.msi" TRANSFORMS=1042.mst ELEMENTS_KO_KR=0 ORGANIZER_KO_KR=0

SERIALNUMBER= (Our Serial Number)

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Setup
OSErrMsg=Your system does not support the minimum operating system requirement. Installation of Photoshop Elements 12 is supported on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Operating Systems.
AdminUserErrMsg=Please login as an Administrator and then run the installer.
MultipleInstances=Installation is already in progress. Please complete that installation.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe was not able to locate some components required for successful installation of the product. Please retry after making sure the complete set of files is available.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Setup
OSErrMsg=Ihr System erfüllt nicht die Mindestanforderung für das Betriebssystem. Die Installation von Photoshop Elements 12 wird unter Windows XP, Windows Vista oder Windows 7 unterstützt.
AdminUserErrMsg=Melden Sie sich als Administrator an und führen Sie dann das Installationsprogramm aus.
MultipleInstances=Die Installation wird bereits ausgeführt. Schließen Sie die andere Installation ab.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Die Datei "Setup.exe" konnte einige für die Installation des Produkts erforderliche Komponenten nicht finden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Dateien verfügbar sind und versuchen Sie es erneut.

Title=Installation d'Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
OSErrMsg=Votre système ne prend pas en charge la configuration minimale requise. Vous ne pouvez installer Photoshop Elements 12 que sur les systèmes d'exploitation Windows XP, Windows Vista ou Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Veuillez vous connecter en tant qu'administrateur, puis lancer le programme d'installation.
MultipleInstances=Une installation est déjà en cours. Vous devez terminer cette installation.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe n'a pas pu trouver certains des composants nécessaires à l'installation du produit. Assurez-vous que tous les fichiers sont disponibles, puis réessayez.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 セットアップ
OSErrMsg=ご使用のシステムは、オペレーティングシステムの最低要件を満たしていません。Photoshop Elements 12 をインストールできるオペレーティングシステムは、Windows XP、Windows Vista または Windows 7 です。
MultipleInstances=インストールは既に進行しています。 このインストールを完了させてください。
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe で、製品の正常なインストールに必要な一部のコンポーネントを検出できませんでした。ファイル一式が揃っていることを確認し、再度実行してください。

Title=Programa de instalación de Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
OSErrMsg=El sistema no es compatible con los requisitos mínimos del sistema operativo. La instalación de Photoshop Elements 12 es compatible con los sistemas operativos Windows XP, Windows Vista y Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Inicie sesión como administrador y ejecute el instalador.
MultipleInstances=La instalación ya está en curso. Finalice la instalación.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe no ha podido localizar algunos de los componentes necesarios para realizar la instalación del producto correctamente. Compruebe que todos los archivos están disponibles e inténtelo de nuevo.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Installazione
OSErrMsg=Il sistema non supporta i requisiti minimi per il sistema operativo. L'installazione di Photoshop Elements 12 è supportata dai sistemi operativi Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Effettuate l'accesso come amministratore, quindi eseguite il programma di installazione.
MultipleInstances=L'installazione è già in corso. Completate tale installazione.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe non è stato in grado di individuare alcuni componenti necessari per la corretta installazione del prodotto. Accertatevi di disporre della serie completa di file e riprovate.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Setup
OSErrMsg=Uw systeem voldoet niet aan de minimale vereisten voor het besturingssysteem. Photoshop Elements 12 wordt ondersteund op Windows XP, Windows Vista en Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Meld uzelf aan als Beheerder en voer het installatieprogramma uit.
MultipleInstances=De installatie is al bezig. Voltooi deze installatie.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe kan sommige onderdelen niet vinden die zijn vereist voor de installatie van dit product. Controleer of alle bestanden beschikbaar zijn en probeer het opnieuw.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Installation
OSErrMsg=Ditt system uppfyller inte minimikravet för operativsystem. Photoshop Elements 12 installeras endast på operativsystemen Windows XP, Windows Vista och Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Logga in som administratör och försök sedan köra installationsprogrammet igen.
MultipleInstances=En installation pågår redan. Slutför installationen.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe kunde inte lokalisera vissa obligatoriska komponenter för installation av produkten. Försök igen efter att ha kontrollerat att samtliga filer finns tillgängliga.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - 安装程序
OSErrMsg=您的系统不满足最低操作系统要求。Photoshop Elements 12 可安装在 Windows XP、Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 操作系统中。
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe 无法找到成功安全产品所需的部分组件。请在确定文件集完整且可用后重试。

Title=Instalace programu Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
OSErrMsg=Tento počítač nepodporuje minimální systémové požadavky operačního systému. Instalaci aplikace Photoshop Elements 12 podporují operační systémy Windows XP, Windows Vista a Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Přihlašte se jako správce a spusťte instalační program.
MultipleInstances=Instalace již probíhá. Dokončete tuto instalaci.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Program Setup.exe nenalezl některé součásti nutné pro úspěšnou instalaci produktu. Přesvědčte se, zda je k dispozici kompletní sada souborů, a pak akci opakujte.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 — Instalacja
OSErrMsg=System operacyjny tego komputera nie spełnia minimalnych wymagań. Program Photoshop Elements 12 można zainstalować w systemie Windows XP, Windows Vista lub Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Zaloguj się jako Administrator, a następnie uruchom program instalacyjny.
MultipleInstances=Instalacja jest już w toku. Zakończ trwającą instalację.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Program Setup.exe nie znalazł niektórych składników potrzebnych do zainstalowania produktu. Upewnij się, że dostępny jest kompletny zestaw plików, i spróbuj ponownie.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Установка
OSErrMsg=Ваша система не отвечает минимальным системным требованиям к операционной системе. Установка Photoshop Elements 12 поддерживается в операционных системах Windows XP, Windows Vista и Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Войдите в систему под учетной записью администратора и запустите программу установки.
MultipleInstances=Установка уже выполняется. Пожалуйста, завершите ее.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Программе Setup.exe не удалось обнаружить некоторые компоненты, необходимые для успешной установки. Убедитесь, что у вас имеются все необходимые файлы и повторите попытку.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Kurulum
OSErrMsg=Sisteminiz, İşletim Sisteminin minimum sistem gereksinimlerini karşılamıyor. Photoshop Elements 12'un yüklenmesi yalnızca Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 İşletim Sistemlerinde desteklenir.
AdminUserErrMsg=Administrator olarak oturum açın ve ardından yükleyiciyi çalıştırın.
MultipleInstances=Bir yükleme zaten devam ediyor. Lütfen o yüklemeyi tamamlayın.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe, ürünün başarılı bir şekilde yüklenmesi için gerekli olan bazı bileşenleri bulamadı. Dosyaların tamamının mevcut olduğundan emin olduktan sonra yeniden deneyin.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - Setup
OSErrMsg=Seu sistema não suporta os requisitos mínimos do sistema operacional. A instalação do Photoshop Elements 12 é suportada pelos sistemas operacionais Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7.
AdminUserErrMsg=Faça logon como Administrador e execute o instalador.
MultipleInstances=A instalação já está em andamento. Conclua a instalação.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=O Setup.exe não localizou alguns componentes necessários para a instalação completa do produto. Tente novamente após verificar se o conjunto completo de arquivos está disponível.

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 – 安裝
OSErrMsg=您的系統不支援最低作業系統需求。支援安裝 Photoshop Elements 12 的作業系統是 Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7。
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe 找不到成功安裝產品所需的部分組件。請先確認完整檔案集可供使用,然後重試。

Title=Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 - 설치
OSErrMsg=사용 중인 시스템에서 최소 운영 체제 요구 사항을 지원하지 않습니다. Photoshop Elements 12 설치는 Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 운영 체제에서 지원됩니다.
AdminUserErrMsg=관리자로 로그인한 다음 설치 프로그램을 실행하십시오.
MultipleInstances=설치가 이미 진행 중입니다. 해당 설치를 완료하십시오.
BuildIncompletErrMsg=Setup.exe에서 제품을 설치하는 데 필요한 일부 구성 요소를 찾을 수 없습니다. 파일의 구성 요소 세트가 사용 가능한지 확인한 후 다시 시도하십시오.


The installation starts, but at the end it stops whit a failure, that not all Options are correctly transferred.

In the installation Folder, are many Files, but the .exe File to start the Programm is missing. Elements 12 Organizer.exe is the missing File.

It seems that the setup.exe starts the msi for the Elements 12 installation and this msi starts the msi for the organizer installation.
Seemingly the second msi dont start or dont start quiet right.

Has someone an Idea how this can work ?

With friendly regards


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Answers (3)

Posted by: PellePelle 10 years ago
White Belt

This describes how I got a silent installation working, with offline activation

Download PSE 12 from Adobe LWS.

Download Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition for CS6 (Windows):


  1. Extract PSE 12 package to package network location ([packagedir] from now on)
  2. Extract Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition to [packagedir]\APTEE\
  3. Open [packagedir]\application.xml.override in notepad and customize with your preferences (ie languages)
  4. Copy [packagdir]\application.xml.override to the following to locations:
         [packagedir]\ElementsOrganizer\SupportFiles\payloads\EO12AMTLibSupport\ and
  5. Open [packagedir]\setup.ini in notepad and customize the [OEM] part
  6. Install with following command line (replace ### with serial): 
         start /wait Setup.exe /UL1053 /V"SERIALNUMBER=####-#####-####-#####-####-##### COUNTRY=221" (COUNTRY=221 for sweden, think 244 is US, google it)
  7. Copy [packagedir]\APTEE\adobe_prtk.exe to client computer to %PROGRAMDATA%\Adobe\APTEE (xcopy for example)
  8. On client computer run the following two commands (replace ### with serial): 
    "%PROGRAMDATA%\Adobe\APTEE\adobe_prtk.exe" --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial="####-#####-####-#####-####-#####" --leid="V7{}PhotoshopElements-EMT12-Win-GM" -regsuppress=ss

          "%PROGRAMDATA%\Adobe\APTEE\adobe_prtk.exe" --tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile="%PROGRAMDATA%\Adobe\Adobe Provisioning Toolkit\prov.xml"

It will result in an activated PSE12 with Organizer 12. I will however ask the user to login with Adobe ID everytime the user starts PSE12.. If someone has a fix for that, I'd love to see the solution for it!



(Edit: noticed that some digits accidentally slipped in on step 8.)

  • I found a quick & dirty way to get rid of the log in prompt:
    1. Rename %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\PDapp.exe to PDapp.old (or something)
    2. Copy notepad.exe to the path above and rename it to PDapp.exe
    That's it. I don't know if this has any negative effect on the program, though... :)

    Pär - _nilsson_ 10 years ago
Posted by: lansti 10 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Uninstall Elements 12:

 start /wait msiexec /x {777B751F-C904-4BD7-8DFF-81F97A3C0BC5} NOT_STANDALONE=1 /qn 

Uninstall Organizer 12:

 start /wait msiexec /x {9D80A7B7-DC01-485D-AE93-710D559B5C56} NOT_STANDALONE=1 /qn

Create a UNINSTALL.CMD with these two commandline, and run from SCCM 2012.

Posted by: Visalakshi 10 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

You can check below adobe site to install photoshop silently.


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