How to install and customize Java 6 update 31 to keep old version (java6 update29)?
I need to keep old version of java (v.6 update 29) because of an application. I need to install new version on particular path (%root%\Program Files\java\jre6_u31). I extract MSI from EXE and tried to customize with Orca, but no sucess. Java is for IE only and no future updates.
Answers (6)
How did you extract the MSI?
You need to run the EXE with the STATIC=1 switch and grab the MSI from %TEMP% (or wherever it is). I had issues with this also untill I realized there were two different MSI's extracted depending on if you run the EXE with or without the STATIC-switch.
Man, I've been packaging JRE's for ages and I never even noticed that
It does make sense though to change product/upgrade/component codes if they want to bypass upgrades for future versions
Nice to learn something new today :D
P.S. It's the locallow %AppData% in the folder Sun/Java/ where the msi gets placed during install - pjgeutjens 12 years ago
We do all know, don't we, that most Java apps are incredibly dumb? The version relience comes about at "compile" time and actually has little relevance for most apps, unless by some miracle, they have a dependency on a version-specific feature.
The point is, you can fool, 99.999% of apps into believing that v[whatever] is installed by "ghosting the relevant registry entries beneath HKLM\Software\JavaSoft. I generally export the existing registry entry, edit the .REG to reflect the required version details then import the edited .REG. So far, across 3 separate and unconnected clients. I have yet to come across an app which failed to execute.