
How to install FrameMaker 10 with Deployment file?

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Could someone help me with this topic?
In commando window I tried this:
Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="Path_of_file\application.xml" --action=install

Whitin a few seconds I get a message saying: exiting installer with Code: 0
But FM is not installed.

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance!


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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Type Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile= --acton=install and press Enter.


  • Hi Jagadeish,
    Thanks! the silent install works. but for some reason it doesn't get the deployment file. When the installation is finished, it asks for a serial, which is in the deployment file.

    Do you have any experience with that?

    Silvester - Silvester 12 years ago
Posted by: Silvester 12 years ago
White Belt

Make a .MSI file of the installation file (Set-up.exe) with this tool:

Then create a package in SCCM of that .msi file. Works great! In this .msi file you can enter your serial key. So no need for any command lines.


  • Tried the Enterprise application manager, but the generated MSI won't install, throwing error code 1708/1603 at me.
    Some more digging in %APPDATA%\Local\Temp shows a file "PDApp.LOG" stating

    6/27/2013 17:11:45 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    6/27/2013 17:11:45 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    6/27/2013 17:11:45 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
    6/27/2013 17:11:45 [INFO] DeploymentManager - The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\;installDir=;origDB=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:11:45 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Executing the deferred custom action.
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Obtained the following as CustomActionData
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode=install;sourceDir=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\;installDir=;origDB=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode=install;sourceDir=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\;installDir=;origDB=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Original database path is : H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\{F5EE0DB4-65D7-4753-AB84-90D36355633F}\\{3D778FDC-EEE8-437D-A410-DE85DBF6E8C4}
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\{F5EE0DB4-65D7-4753-AB84-90D36355633F}\\{0E213E16-C860-430B-AB6D-A03D747737DC}).
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [ERROR] DeploymentManager - Failed to Initialize....The Setup base path does not exist.
    6/27/2013 17:11:51 [ERROR] DeploymentManager - Failed to Initialize from parameters.
    6/27/2013 17:16:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    6/27/2013 17:16:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    6/27/2013 17:16:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
    6/27/2013 17:16:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\;installDir=;origDB=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:16:42 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Executing the deferred custom action.
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Obtained the following as CustomActionData
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode=install;sourceDir=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\;installDir=;origDB=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - mode=install;sourceDir=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\;installDir=;origDB=H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Original database path is : H:\TIMRS\4 ACME_Framemaker_XI\Build\ACME_Framemaker_XI.msi
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - OptionXML saved at location :: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\{65DEE398-291E-476D-B68C-5ABD59EC6C49}\\{12E9F8D1-641B-4C27-A165-D3C34F200ECB}
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Build Version -
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Logging Level verbosity Set to 4
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] DeploymentManager - Provisioning Tool path is (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\{65DEE398-291E-476D-B68C-5ABD59EC6C49}\\{DF00B53B-6298-4B11-B2BB-4221D161D441}).
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [ERROR] DeploymentManager - Failed to Initialize....The Setup base path does not exist.
    6/27/2013 17:16:47 [ERROR] DeploymentManager - Failed to Initialize from parameters.

    From my understanding I don't need a provisioning tool, the Enterprise application manager should be sufficient.
    Anyone? - Olaf S 11 years ago

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