How to map a drive in MSI?
I got an application where I need to Map Z drive to \\hubckr\kingdom\ and it is mentioned to do this without making users to LogOff and Login.
Please let me know how to do this in MSI using AdminStudio.
I know that we can use Net Use z:value in .bat file and is that okay
Thanks in Advance.
Answers (3)
I dont know if you can map a drive with stock MSI actions.
You will be able to do it with a Custom Action though. Just use the same command as you would in cmd line.
See below, right click Custom Actions to add a new one.
Once you have created it, you will need to add it to your Execute Sequence.
Humm thinking about it now, this might not work - in the Execute Deferred sequence it runs a SYSTEM, so i dont know what the result would be.
You can give "everyone" rights to the share so even a non-domain account could connect to it. We had to do this with early Zenworks for the machine to see the share. Remember this is dangerous, you have no security on the share so it wide open. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
> i dont know what the result would be.
It would be that it wouldn't work! System has no access to network resources.
However, the sub-text here (surprise, surprise, we get no proper clue from the OP...) is that the application needs access to a Z: drive. In that case, I'd suggest that the drive-mapping logic belongs either in a log-in script or a script which launches the executable.