
How to package VIsual Studio 2013 Extention "Nuget Package Manager"

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Hello, and good afternoon, I am trying to package "Nuget" for Visual Studio but I am having some issues. I am packaging with admin studio, I have tried to Package it in a way only the installation of the "nuget" extension gets captured but when I try to install it in testing, the application throws a error regarding "Symantec Endpoint Protection" services  that I have tried to remove from the msi but some how still seems to effect the installation.

I can not disable this service due to my organization disabling the pause/stop function. I am hoping someone can ether point me in the correct direction to let me know if there is a silent command to install the "Nuget Package Manager" right from Visual Studio, or if there is a way to package it correctly. also I downloaded a .exe application refering to "Nuget Package Manager" but that nether has a silent switch and have giving the same issue with capturing the .exe.

Thank you for all your help in advance :)

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

Your first mistake is having A/V or E/P on your packaging machine!

Your second one is re-packaging anything in Visual Studio.

Your third one is packaging it at all: surely this is a development tool which means it's targeted at developers who should surely have local admin rights and can install applications for themselves.

Oh and I think there are at least 4 more versions of VS that you can add as tags to your post. Why not go for them all?

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