
How to prevent IE7 trust component

I had to create a package for a secure weblink that connects to the vendor site.

I captured the URL and components on my packaging machine (machine has Wise 7 and IE6). The created package is now a msi, that installs the components needed for the secure weblink and creates a shortcut that launches the weblink.

This works fine on machines having IE6, but on a machine with IE 7 it prompts to download those components again?

I even tried capturing the link and components on a separate packaging machine with Wise 7 and IE 7 but still on running the install via this new msi and clicking on the shortcut, I still see the prompt to download the components on a machine with IE 7.

How can I prevent this notification and re-download?
The message is "This website wants to run the following add-on: 'module name' from 'vendor' name. If you trust the website and the add-on and want to allow it to run, click here" On right clicking the IE7 bar and allowing the activex to run, it downloads the component.

(even though the components are already captured in the package and the msi is already installed on the machine along with the components).

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Answers (4)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Does your MSI add the site to IE's Trusted Sites zone? It should...
Posted by: aek 15 years ago
Purple Belt
On a machine with the new msi installed, it does not show in the IE settings - Trusted Zones. so seems like the msi did not capture/ add the vendor website to the trusted sites.

I guess, I can add the website to the trusted sites as part of my capture.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
Indeed you can. I'd suggest using HKCU rather than HKLM but your site policy may be different:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\[domain_name]

IIRC, you can also set this up via Group Policy.
Posted by: aek 15 years ago
Purple Belt


let me give this a shot, I am thinking if I just create a package on a IE 7 machine and add this regkey as an separate active setup msi (to include the trusted site for each user), it should work on both: machines having IE6 and other machines having IE 7.
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